Friday, November 7, 2014


Seria de întâlniri literare inițiate de ICR Berlin în luna martie a acestui an continuă și în noiembrie cu participarea scriitorului Mircea Cărtărescu și a traducătorului Ernest Wichner. În cadrul acestei întâlniri literare, scriitorul a realizat o lectură din ultima parte a trilogiei „Orbitor”, „Aripa dreaptă”, iar Ernest Wichner a citit aceste fragmente în limba germană.

Volumul „Aripa dreaptă” este cea mai voluminoasă și în același timp cea mai personală parte a trilogiei „Orbitor”. Mircea Cărtărescu completează și intercalează aici diverse lumi și planuri în apreciatul său mod de scriere, care amintește de construcția „Matrioştii”, deoarece la fiecare nivel se deschide o nouă lume, ceea ce acordă romanului său o profunzime greu de explorat.
Ultimul volum al trilogiei „Orbitor” în limba germană este publicat de editura Paul Zsolnay din Viena. Cu această ocazie, editura organizează un amplu turneu de promovare al volumului „Aripa dreaptă” în Germania, Elveția și Austria.

Programul lecturilor:
6.11. Literaturhaus Berlin 
7.11. Frankfurt / Hessisches Literaturforum im Mousonturm
8.11. Heidelberg / Landfried-Komplex / A.I. Cuza - Gesellschaft für Literatur, Musik und Kunst
9.11. Basel / Festsaal im Volkshaus / Literaturhaus Basel / Festival
9.11. Zug / Theater Casino 
10.11. Passau / Scharfrichterhaus / Passauer Pegasus
11.11. Graz/ Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten
12.11. Wien / (Pressetag)
13.11. Wien /Alte Schmiede + Buchmesse in Wien

Text Sursa: ICR BERLIN

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Exhibition Opening "BERLIN WONDERLAND - WILD YEARS REVISITED 1990 – 1996"

When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, artists, punks, anarchists, squatters, and visionaries discovered the no-man’s-land behind it. Unbridled creativity was unleashed in the free spaces among the crumbling façades of old buildings. A variety of clubs, bars, techno parties, galleries, uprisings, and exhibitions sprang up, among them the well-known institutions Tacheles and Schokoladen, all of which attracted young people from around the world. These wild years may seem long past, but their effect is still palpable and has made Berlin into what it is today.
The exhibition Berlin Wonderland brings this unique, nearly forgotten era back to life in striking images that show just how much the city has changed. It shows Berlin of that time, seen from the perspective of various photographers.
and the photographers: Ben de Biel, Hendrik Rauch, Stefan Schilling, Hilmar Schmundt, Andreas Trogisch, Philipp von Recklinghausen, Rolf Zöllner

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Berlin Marathon 2014

When I got out the house, the Marathon was a few meters away. It was a nice way to start the day!!!
Second Marathon in my life, to which I go, watch, cheer, feel happy that they make it till the end and take photos!
Here are a few photos-moments that I enjoyed mostly! We were given apples...didn't understand why : ) 
Indeed you are all heroes!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Berlin Art Week 16-21 September 2014

If you ever are in Berlin in autumn time, you should go to Berlin Art Week. This year it was on 16-21 of September. It is said that Berlin Art Week is the meeting point for the international art scene. During this week, hundreds of galleries present new artistic positions. Major events such as opening receptions, exhibitions, talks and performances offer the opportunity for collectors, gallerists, artists, media representatives, and international guests to meet.