On Saturday, 10th of October, it was a great Demo in Berlin against the historic free trade agreements the European Union is negotiating with the United States and Canada. The Stop TTIP CETA rally has been called to oppose the EU's Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the US and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with Canada.
There were so many people... that it was impossible not to feel like an "ant". There were many things I didn't like, especially at the end, but I tried my best to grasp a bit from the good parts. I liked, as always, the will of people to change and to do something, not be passive and sit comfortably on their sofas when it's 5 degrees outside on a Saturday afternoon. I liked the freedom of this girls who was very cheerful, as she was passing by.
Here, in Germany, the pancards are my favorites....especially the ones with bees.
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